
Thank you for your cooperation. As you know we continue to support for Japanese companies and Vietnamese companies, also on March 19, we and VCCI-HCM will hold the business matching event. On this event, Japanese participants are set on their business in Hiroshima Prefecture there has MAZDA’s Headquarter and is western area in Japan. These potential companies in Hiroshima are 13 companies who want to have cooperation with Vietnamese potential partner. They belongs the following business...

11/27にホーチミン工科大で開催された「JAPAN Day」でセミナーを開催した。 このJapan dayは文化交流を目的としたイベントで、元日本留学生が主催者となって行っている。 この主催者の一人からの依頼で講演をさせてもらった。...
From this time, I initiate to describe my blog by English. This blog has started from 2006 for Japanese user. Some my Vietnamese friend and partner recommend to show by English. So I have tried to start English version. === Hold a seminar on Nov. 27 at HCMC university of Technology === I have some experience to hold a seminar for Vietnamese. Almost the theme of seminar is for IT business and business collaboration. But in this time, it held for the employee who want to work in Japan. I’ll...
来たる11月27日(土)にホーチミン工科大学で開催される「Japan Day」に急遽参加することになった。 このJapan day、毎年行われており、日本の文化や日本に関するセミナーなど、約3000人の来場者が いるということのようだ。 私は今回、セミナーを開催させていただくのだが、お題は「日本企業で働く」というノウハウセミナー。...